Auditoría Pública nº 78. Revista de los órganos autonómicos de control externo

REVISTA AUDITORÍA PÚBLICA / 78 44 Figura 17. Importancia/desempeño Other, (specify) Search of information relating to the institution in press, radio, television and online media 5,93 5,52 Advice in all regarding the public inage of the institution 5,18 Relation with the media 6,07 Production of information about the institution 5,68 Production of of press releases 5,75 Arrangement and preparation of press conferences 4,98 Presemtation of audit reports 6,14 Production of specialised publications 4,93 Management of the institution`s online media: website and social networks 5,53 Search of information relating to the auditedbodies in press, radio, television and online media 5,90 5,86 4,41 5,33 4,96 4,98 3,54 5,14 3,81 4,78 Advice in internal comunication of the institution 4,57 3,52 1,00 1,67 Importance Acomplishment